
Canada Family Literacy Day



Family Literacy Day, celebrated annually on January 27 in Canada, is a significant event designed to raise awareness about the importance of reading and engaging in literacy-related activities within families. This special day emphasizes the value of incorporating learning into daily family life and highlights the crucial role that parents play in their children’s education.

Origins of Family Literacy Day

Canada Family Literacy Day was first celebrated in 1999, thanks to the initiative of a non-profit organization called ABC Life Literacy Canada. ABC Life Literacy Canada was founded in 1990 with the mission of inspiring Canadians to acquire essential life literacy skills, including reading, writing, and numeracy. The organization recognized that family literacy plays a pivotal role in the development of a child’s language and cognitive skills, and the need for a special day to celebrate and promote family literacy became apparent.

The Visionary Behind the Event

Margaret Eaton, the then Executive Director of ABC Life Literacy Canada, was the driving force behind the inception of Canada Family Literacy Day. Eaton and her team at ABC Life Literacy Canada believed that encouraging families to read, write, and engage in other literacy activities together would create a strong foundation for children’s lifelong learning and overall well-being.

Importance of Family Literacy Day

Encourages Family Bonding: Family Literacy Day serves as an important reminder for families to spend quality time together. By participating in literacy-related activities, families can strengthen their bonds while also promoting a love for learning.

Fosters a Love for Reading: Reading is an essential skill that not only enriches our lives but also opens doors to countless opportunities. Family Literacy Day encourages parents and children to develop a love for reading, setting the stage for a lifetime of intellectual curiosity and personal growth.

Enhances Cognitive Development: Engaging in literacy activities from an early age is crucial for a child’s cognitive development. Family Literacy Day highlights the importance of parents as their children’s first and most influential teachers, who can provide them with the necessary tools to succeed academically.

Raises Awareness about Literacy Issues: Family Literacy Day serves as an opportunity to shed light on the importance of literacy and the challenges faced by many Canadians. By promoting awareness about these issues, the day encourages communities, schools, and organizations to come together in support of literacy initiatives.

Supports Lifelong Learning: Literacy is not only essential for academic success but also for personal and professional growth. Family Literacy Day emphasizes the importance of continuous learning throughout life, equipping individuals with the skills they need to adapt to an ever-changing world.


Canada Family Literacy Day is a vital event that highlights the importance of literacy within families and communities. The initiative, spearheaded by Margaret Eaton and ABC Life Literacy Canada, has had a lasting impact on countless families, inspiring them to nurture a love for learning and fostering stronger bonds through shared literacy activities. By celebrating Family Literacy Day, we acknowledge the invaluable role that literacy plays in shaping our lives and fostering a brighter future for all Canadians.