
International Day of Womens Health



The International Day of Women’s Health is an annual event that takes place on May 28th, dedicated to raising awareness about the health issues that specifically affect women, and promoting gender equality in healthcare. Established in 1987 by the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR), this day serves as an opportunity to highlight the importance of women’s health and well-being, and to advocate for the rights of women across the globe to have access to quality healthcare services.

The Inception of International Day of Women’s Health

The Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights (WGNRR) founded the International Day of Women’s Health in 1987, in response to the high rates of maternal mortality and reproductive health issues faced by women worldwide. The choice of May 28th as the date for this observance is symbolic, as it commemorates the 1987 International Women’s Health Meeting held in Costa Rica. Over the years, the International Day of Women’s Health has grown in significance, with various organizations, governments, and individuals recognizing and participating in events aimed at promoting women’s health rights.

The Importance of International Day of Women’s Health

Raising awareness: The International Day of Women’s Health is crucial for raising awareness about the unique health issues women face. These include, but are not limited to, reproductive health, maternal health, mental health, and the impact of gender-based violence on women’s overall well-being. By shining a light on these issues, the day helps to break down stigmas and misconceptions, encouraging open dialogue and understanding.

Promoting gender equality in healthcare: The International Day of Women’s Health emphasizes the need for equal access to healthcare services for women. This includes equal opportunities for women to receive quality medical care, regardless of their socioeconomic status, race, or ethnicity. The day also highlights the importance of including women’s voices in healthcare policy and decision-making processes.

Advocating for women’s health rights: International Day of Women’s Health serves as a platform for advocates to call for the protection and promotion of women’s health rights. This includes the right to access safe and legal abortion services, comprehensive sexuality education, and affordable contraception, among other essential healthcare services.

Encouraging research and innovation: The International Day of Women’s Health promotes the need for research focused on women’s health issues, leading to the development of innovative solutions and treatments. This includes research into the prevention and treatment of diseases that disproportionately affect women, such as breast and cervical cancer, as well as conditions like endometriosis and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).


The International Day of Women’s Health is a vital observance that highlights the unique health challenges faced by women across the globe. By raising awareness, promoting gender equality in healthcare, advocating for women’s health rights, and encouraging research and innovation, the day contributes to the ongoing efforts to improve the overall well-being of women worldwide. As we celebrate this important day, let us remember the importance of continuing to strive for a world where every woman has access to the healthcare services they need and deserve.