
US National Vanilla Milkshake Day



US National Vanilla Milkshake Day is an annual event that takes place on June 20th, a day dedicated to celebrating one of America’s favorite beverages. The vanilla milkshake is not just a delicious and refreshing drink, but also a symbol of the nation’s long-standing love affair with ice cream and milkshakes.

The Importance of US National Vanilla Milkshake Day

US National Vanilla Milkshake Day is more than just a fun excuse to indulge in a frosty treat; it carries significant cultural importance. The celebration highlights America’s enduring passion for ice cream and milkshakes, which have been enjoyed for centuries. The vanilla milkshake, in particular, is a timeless classic that evokes a sense of nostalgia, reminding people of simpler times and shared moments with friends and family. The day also supports local businesses such as ice cream parlors and restaurants, as people flock to their favorite establishments to partake in the festivities.

The Origins of the Vanilla Milkshake

While the exact origins of the milkshake are difficult to pinpoint, it is widely believed that the modern milkshake was born in the late 19th century. Early versions of the milkshake were alcoholic, made with a mixture of milk, eggs, and whiskey, and served as a tonic or a restorative. The introduction of malted milk powder in the early 20th century brought about the iconic malted milkshake, which remains popular to this day.

The transition from alcoholic milkshakes to the non-alcoholic, ice-cream-based shakes we know today occurred during Prohibition. The first recorded recipe for a vanilla milkshake can be traced back to a 1922 publication titled “A Book of Beverages,” which included a recipe for a “White Vanilla Shake.”

The Inventor of the Vanilla Milkshake

The identity of the individual who invented the vanilla milkshake remains unclear. However, the person credited with the popularization of milkshakes in general is Ivar “Pop” Coulson, a soda jerk who worked at a Walgreens drugstore in Chicago during the 1920s. Coulson is said to have added scoops of ice cream to malted milk, creating a thicker and more indulgent beverage. Although he may not have specifically invented the vanilla milkshake, his invention of the modern milkshake laid the foundation for the beloved vanilla version that we celebrate today.


US National Vanilla Milkshake Day is a tribute to a classic American treat that has captured the hearts and taste buds of generations. The day is significant for its cultural importance and its role in supporting local businesses. While the inventor of the vanilla milkshake remains a mystery, the drink’s origins can be traced back to the late 19th century, and its modern form is credited to Ivar “Pop” Coulson. As we celebrate this delicious and timeless beverage, we honor the history and tradition that it represents, as well as the simple joy it brings to people across the nation.